Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan - Nature's Secret For:


Immune System

Glucans are well-known for their immunomodulatory effects. They can stimulate the immune system, particularly by activating macrophages, which are important immune cells. This activation helps in the defense against infections and may contribute to improved immune responses



Beta-glucans activate immune cells like macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells, helping the body detect and attack cancer cells. They also reduce tumor size by stimulating tumor-specific antibodies and cytotoxic lymphocytes.


Anti-Aging and Oxidative Stress:

The antioxidant activity of glucan was examined to assess potential new benefits associated with glucan, because oxidative stress is considered one of the primary causal factors for various diseases and aging. This antioxidant activity is thought to contribute to the overall protection of cells and tissues from oxidative stress. Glucans exhibit antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize free radicals in the body.



Beta-glucans help in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity, reducing the incidence of diabetes and insulitis.



Beta-glucans help reduce stress by modulating the immune response and reducing inflammation.



Beta-glucans could be developed into anti-asthmatic agents by balancing Th1/Th2 immune responses.


Burns + Wound Healing

Some studies suggest that glucans play a role in wound healing, potentially by enhancing the immune response and promoting tissue repair. Topical applications of glucans are increasing, especially due to their pluripotent properties.


Cold + Flu

Beta-glucans enhance the immune response against common cold and flu viruses, reducing symptom severity and duration.



Modulation of inflammatory responses: Glucans have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. They can influence the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and help regulate the body's inflammatory response.

Beta Glucan changes lives.

Beat Skin Cancer: How Beta Glucan Can Help Protect You

Published April 20, 2024

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells that is often developed on skin that has been exposed to the sun. It stems from various causes, with ultraviolet (UV) exposure being a prime factor. When UV rays from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds penetrate the skin, they can damage cell DNA, leading to abnormal growths. However, this form of cancer can also occur on skin that is not exposed to sunlight often. (1) (2)

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Backed by 550+ Scientific Studies. Learn the why behind Beta Glucan.

Countless studies highlight beta glucan's capacity to boost natural defenses, improve recovery outcomes, and support overall health, making it a valuable component in nutrition and medical treatments.

Beta Glucan Research

Beta Glucan & Cancer

Cancer Related Videos

Live A Healthier Way!

Beta glucan can be a part of a healthier lifestyle by enhancing the body's immune response, offering protection against a variety of infectious diseases, and potentially aiding in cancer prevention and therapy​​​​.