Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan and the Brain

Beta glucan makes brain cancer cells more susceptible to treatment such as chemotherapy, as well as supporting cognitive function.


200,000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Published

This extensive research highlights the significant scientific interest in understanding the biological and immunological effects of glucan, including its potential applications in cancer treatment and immune system support​​.


Over 200 Ongoing Trials Underway

40+ years of scientific studies and at least 200 ongoing clinical trials related to beta-glucan and cancer in the United States and several European countries.


Enhancing The Immune Response

Beta-glucan has significant potential in supporting cancer treatment by enhancing the immune response and potentially improving outcomes for cancer patients.

Brain Summary

Research shows beta glucan can enhance brain cancer treatments by making cancer cells more vulnerable to therapies like chemotherapy. It alters the tumor environment and boosts immune responses, offering hope for improved outcomes in brain cancer therapy.

Key Highlights

Benefits of Beta Glucan for Brain Cancer

Recent research has brought some exciting insights into how this special fiber may help fight off tumors in the brain.

Mechanisms of Action

Beta glucan works its anti-tumor magic through a few important methods. One of the big ways it helps is by boosting natural killer cells, which are part of our innate immune system. (1)

These killer cells focus on finding and destroying tumor cells.

Beta glucan can influence the tumor microenvironment, which is the area right around a tumor.

This environment plays an important part in how tumors grow and spread. By changing this space, beta glucan might make it harder for tumors to thrive.

By fortifying your body’s defenses, glucan helps make stubborn cancer cells more vulnerable during chemotherapy. (2)

Preclinical Studies

The potential impact of beta glucan on brain cancer has become clearer thanks to preclinical experiments done both in labs and using animal subjects.

For example, a medical study found that beta glucan may play an essential role in suppressing the growth of certain brain tumors. (3)

Therapies like beta glucan offer promise for better outcomes and improved quality of life for those battling brain cancer.

How Beta Glucan Interacts with the Immune System to Fight Brain Cancer

Beta glucan teams up with our innate immune system, which acts as our body's frontline defense against threats like cancer cells.

Innate Immune Response

Your body recognizes beta glucan thanks to certain immune cells known as macrophages.

These guys are like watchful sentinels in your bloodstream, always ready to spot and tackle anything unfamiliar.

Once macrophages detect beta glucan, they spring into action.

Adaptive Immune Response

But beta glucan doesn’t just work with the innate immune system.

It also boosts the adaptive immune response, which acts like our body’s special forces in defense.

The adaptive immune system has specialized cells like T-cells and B-cells that target cancer cells. (4)

With beta glucan around, these cells get a boost in their activity, making them more effective at finding and destroying brain cancer cells.

Role of Natural Killer Cells

Natural killer cells are some of the most vital players in battling brain cancer. True to their name, these immune cells have a special knack for destroying cancer cells.

Beta glucan boosts the power of natural killer cells, helping them fight brain cancer cells more effectively. (5)

Cytokine Production

Beta glucan also fights brain cancer by boosting cytokine production. These chemical messengers help coordinate the immune response and guide immune cells to where they're most needed.

Scientists have found that beta glucan binds straight to receptors on these malignant cells, which helps our immune system recognize and attack them more easily.

In summary

Beta glucan, a fiber found in plants and fungi, shows great potential in treating brain cancer. It activates immune cells, such as macrophages and natural killer cells, which helps the body better target and destroy brain cancer cells.

This boost to the immune system enhances the effectiveness of treatments like chemotherapy and radiation by making cancer cells more vulnerable.

Additionally, beta glucan alters the tumor environment to slow down growth and spread.

Research into beta glucan's role in brain cancer therapy is very promising. Early studies indicate that beta glucan could make treatments more effective.

As research continues, beta glucan holds promise for improving outcomes and quality of life for brain cancer patients.

The Latest On Beta Glucan & The Brain

Live A Healthier Way!

Beta glucan can be a part of a healthier lifestyle by enhancing the body's immune response, offering protection against a variety of infectious diseases, and potentially aiding in cancer prevention and therapy​​​​.