Beta Glucan

Health Benefits of Beta Glucan for Cancer Patients

As someone who's been through the cancer journey myself, I know firsthand how important it is to explore every avenue for support and healing. The deeper I go into learning about beta glucan, the more interesting it gets. And the scientific findings suggest its value in fighting cancer can't be ignored.

Article Highlights

Defining Beta Glucan

Found in the cell walls of some plants, fungi, and yeasts, beta glucan is a kind of soluble fiber that's drawing attention these days. People are excited about its possible health perks like boosting the immune system.

Benefits of Beta Glucan

Research suggests glucan helps strengthen your immune response against infections and illnesses. Beyond its impressive role in boosting immunity lies its ability in promoting cardiovascular wellness along with regulating blood sugars. (1)

Beta glucan has been shown to have potential benefits for cancer patients, including enhancing immune function, reducing the side effects of conventional treatments, and improving quality of life.

Multiple studies have shown how beta glucan can improve overall quality of life in breast cancer patients going through chemotherapy. The results have been noted to help decrease common symptoms associated to chemo. (2)

Research on Beta Glucan for Cancer Patients

Studies on Breast Cancer

In multiple medical studies, researchers explored the impact of beta glucan on breast cancer. (3)

They discovered that whether used alone or with standard treatments, beta glucan helped shrink tumors and boosted the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in animal studies. (4)

A randomized controlled trial studying women with breast cancer aged between 28-65 years showed that glucan is a positive complementary treatment and immunomodulatory agent for patients undergoing chemotherapy. (5)

Studies on Gastric Cancer

Some preliminary studies have also investigated the potential of beta glucan in the treatment of gastric cancer.

One study found that a beta glucan extract was able to inhibit the growth and spread of human gastric cancer cells in vitro.

Another study in mice with gastric cancer showed that oral administration of beta glucan significantly reduced tumor growth compared to controls.

Although the results seem interesting, don't forget that additional research is required to confirm whether these benefits hold true for those suffering from gastric cancer.

Other Types of Cancer Studied

Besides breast and gastric cancer, researchers have looked into beta glucan's effects on other cancers too.

Multiple reviews highlight how beta glucan produces anti-tumor activity and boosts chemotherapy effectiveness in animal studies of colorectal cancer.

This recent review called attention to the necessity of conducting more clinical trials that assess both the efficacy and safety of using beta glucan along with conventional treatments in colorectal cancer patients.

Like every promising therapy, extensive human research is needed before confirming its true value compared with associated hazards

Beta glucans are called "biological response modifiers" because they can kickstart immune cells like macrophages and natural killer cells.

How Beta Glucan Enhances the Immune System

One glucan enters the body and navigates it's way through the digestive system, a unique activation of the immune cells take place.

This process of activation is classified as 'immunomodulation' as the glucan 'modulates' (changes, enhances) the immune cells.

The immune system responds by presenting a stronger, more complete system that can fight off illness and disease.

Doctors and medical scientists have been extensively testing and reviewing glucan for over half a century, with over 207,000 medical studies available on beta glucan alone on PubMed:

beta glucan medical studies published on pub med.png

Foods and Supplements Containing Beta Glucan

Curious about where to get your beta glucan fix? Let's look at some of the top food sources and supplements.

Natural Sources of Beta Glucan

You might not know this, but beta glucan is a type of soluble fiber found naturally in the cell walls of specific plants as well as fungi and yeast.

Oats and barley are among the top sources you can eat to get your fill.

  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Seaweed
  • Baker's yeast
  • Brewer's yeast (made from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  • Cereals
  • Reishi mushrooms


The human body is limited in terms of how much beta glucan it can absorb directly from food sources. Yes, eating foods rich in glucan is great, but, it is highly suggested to use a daily beta glucan supplement.

Adding these foods to your meals is a simple way to naturally increase beta glucan.

I personally enjoy tossing shiitake mushrooms into my stir-fries and soups for an added immune system boost.

Beta Glucan Supplements

Besides getting beta glucan from your diet, you can also find it in supplements. These usually come from yeast or mushrooms and are available as capsules, tablets, or powders.

Picking the right beta glucan supplement means choosing one from a trustworthy brand. It's always smart to chat with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your routine.

Dosage and Administration

The optimal dosage of beta glucan for cancer patients has not been firmly established and may vary depending on the specific product and individual health status.

In general, most beta glucan supplements provide between 100-500 mg per dose. (6)

Before starting any new supplement, including beta glucan, cancer patients should talk with their healthcare provider. This is especially crucial if you're receiving treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, or are on other medications.

Additional Ways Beta Glucan Supports Cancer Patients

Enhancing Immune Function

Beta glucan can help cancer patients by boosting their immune system. Cancer treatments often leave the body defenseless against infections, so strengthening immunity is crucial for these patients.

By boosting the activity of natural killer cells and other immune fighters like macrophages, beta glucan may help your body detect and destroy cancer cells better.

Cancer patients might find this particularly helpful for enhancing their natural defense mechanisms.

Complementing Conventional Treatments

You shouldn't consider beta glucan as a replacement for standard cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Some studies suggest it could help make these conventional methods more effective when combined with them.

Beta glucan seems to help the immune system target and kill cancer cells more effectively. Still, scientists need to do more studies before they can figure out how to use beta glucan safely in cancer treatments.

Quality of Life Improvements

Besides its immune-boosting and anti-cancer properties, beta glucan can also enhance the quality of life for cancer patients. Fatigue related to cancer is a frequent side effect of both the illness itself and its treatments.

Research shows that adding a beta glucan supplement to your routine could help fight fatigue by enhancing your immune system and lowering inflammation.

This means fewer uncomfortable cancer symptoms and treatment issues, which leads to feeling better day-to-day.

No two cancer patients are the same, so treatments can vary widely. You need to collaborate closely with your medical team to come up with a treatment strategy that aligns perfectly with your individual requirements and aspirations.

If you're thinking about adding beta glucan to your cancer treatment plan, make sure you chat openly with your doctor. Together, you'll be able to look at the possible benefits and risks and figure out if beta glucan is a good choice for you.


Facing a cancer diagnosis is tough and often heart-breaking. It's vital to advocate for yourself by looking into every possible option out there. Interested in learning if beta glucan could help? Discuss it with your healthcare professionals to see what fits best for you both.

With the right support and resources, it can be faced with courage. Beta glucan might just be another helpful tool as you fight this battle and aim for healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What helps cancer patients live longer?

Every cancer case is different, and every person will respond differently. However, studies show that by combining healthy eating, regular exercise, stress management, and following prescribed treatments may help survival rates.

Can you take beta glucan with chemotherapy?

Yes, many studies suggest taking beta glucan alongside chemotherapy can enhance treatment effectiveness. But always consult your doctor first

How to prolong life with stage 4 cancer?

A comprehensive approach involving targeted therapies, supportive care like pain management, and psychological support helps extend life expectancy in stage 4 cancer cases.

