Beta Glucan

Worst Foods for Longevity: What to Avoid for Health

It's not merely the nutritional value that sets foods apart, but rather their significant influence on how long and well we live.

Article Highlights

Processed Meats and Chronic Diseases

Any meat that has been preserved through curing, smoking, salting, or adding preservatives is considered processed meat.

This includes:

  • Sausages, bacon and ham
  • Deli meats such as salami
  • Canned meat such as corned beef,
  • Sliced luncheon meats (including those made from chicken and turkey)
  • Pâtés

Red meat includes beef, lamb, mutton, pork, veal, venison and goat.

The Facts

Based on the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) study; 17 one intake of red meat per week increases the risk of CRC by about 40%, and each 50 g of processed meat increases the risk by about 20%. (2)

Beef and pork consumption was found also to be associated with colon cancer only in women, in one trial.

The World Health Organization categorizes processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, and corned beef as Group 1 carcinogens. (3)

That means there's sufficient evidence linking their consumption to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

How Hot Dogs and Bacon Shorten Lifespan

Because hot dogs and bacon include a lot of processed meats, saturated fats, and sodium, eating them in excess has been associated with a shorter lifespan.

A recent review looked at six studies tracking over 1.5 million people for 5 to 28 years.

The findings? As mentioned, regularly eating processed meats is associated with a greater risk of heart disease, cancer (especially colorectal cancer), type 2 diabetes and early death. (4) (5)

It's believed that the saturated fat, sodium, and nitrates or nitrites found in these foods contribute to their associated health hazards and chronic diseases.

While there aren't specific guidelines on a "safe" amount of processed meat, the consensus is the less, the better.

Aim to limit red and processed meats, opting instead for fresh, lean proteins like fish, poultry, eggs, beans, and tofu.

Take action: Oats - trusted source of beta glucan

Impact of Sugary Drinks on Blood Glucose and Insulin Sensitivity

Sweetened beverages like soda, energy drinks, and even fruit juices are a major source of added sugars.

Sweetened beverages like soda, energy drinks, and even fruit juices are a major source of added sugars.

Regularly sipping on these sugar-laden drinks can wreak havoc on your blood glucose levels.

When you consume sugar-sweetened beverages, your blood glucose levels spike rapidly. (6)

Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance - a condition where your cells don't respond properly to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar.

Being a stepping stone towards type 2 diabetes and various long-term illnesses, insulin resistance highlights the necessity of early identification and intervention.

This factor is pivotal in the onset of such diseases, highlighting why it's crucial to catch and manage them at an early stage.

Catching the early warnings allows people to actively reduce their risk and keep up a healthier lifestyle overall.

Truth About Red Meat Consumption

In addition to a greater risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes; we found that daily consumption of meat, as a broad category, harmed survival.

Most previous studies showing a deleterious effect of meat consumption on lifespan also found that high meat consumption patterns were often associated with unhealthy dietary habits, such as high levels of fat consumption.

In 2013 the results of a large European study (EPIC) of the relationship between meat consumption and mortality in 448,568 men and women from 10 countries were published. (7)

Increased consumption of red meat (>160 g vs. 10–19.9 g per day) was associated with a mean increase of 14% mortality during a mean follow-up of 13 years.

Consequences of Consuming Artificial Additives

This guide aimed to shed light on some of the worst food categories for longevity and those are:

  • Processed meats
  • Sugary beverages
  • Trans fats
  • Fried foods
  • Refined carbohydrates and sugars
  • Alcohol
  • High sodium foods
  • Artificial additives and preservatives.

Additives and preservatives are commonly found in processed foods to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life. (8)

However, these synthetic substances can have detrimental effects on health and longevity.

Ingesting additives like specific dyes and preservatives found in food has been associated with a heightened chance of developing cancer, triggering hyperactivity among kids, and various other health complications.

Diving into the details, it has been revealed through research that indulging in processed meats rich in nitrites and nitrates might prompt our bodies to produce substances with the potential for causing cancer. (9)

To minimize the negative impact of artificial additives and preservatives on longevity, it's essential to opt for whole, minimally processed foods whenever possible.

Carefully scrutinizing labels to pick items with minimal synthetic additives can further diminish your encounter with these detrimental elements.

Making Healthier Food Choices for Longevity

Incorporating foods rich in nutrients and beneficial compounds, such as beta glucan, can significantly improve health outcomes.

Maximize Longevity with Beta Glucan

Beta-glucan, a soluble fiber found in oats, barley, and certain mushrooms, has been shown to offer several health benefits that contribute to longevity. (10)

It enhances the immune system by activating immune cells that fight off infections and diseases.

Additionally, beta-glucan helps lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. (11)

Regular consumption of glucan-rich foods can also improve blood sugar control, making it beneficial for individuals with or at risk of type 2 diabetes. (12)

Incorporating glucans into your diet is straightforward and can be done through a variety of foods and supplements.

Beta glucan provides a simple yet effective way to support overall health and longevity.


Armed with knowledge and insight from today's revelations, you hold power over your plate.

Each meal becomes an act of defiance against those edible culprits as you choose longevity over momentary pleasure.

The worst foods for longevity have met their match in informed choice-makers like you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods should be avoided for longevity?

Ditch processed meats, sugary drinks, ultra-processed snacks, and high-sodium choices. They're big no-nos for a long life.

What are the 4 foods to avoid?

Avoid these four villains: processed meats, sugary beverages, trans fats in baked goods, and excessive salt intake.

Which food increases life expectancy the most?

Fruits and veggies lead the pack. They're chock-full of vitamins that help you stay healthy longer.

